Saturday, September 15, 2012

Recent Sketches and Whatnot...

So, I'm brainstorming ideas for this show I will be having in a few months at a cafe called Chhaya in lovely South Philly.  I haven't really fleshed out what I want to do yet, but I've been trying to sketch out some thoughts, and this is the stuff I've been working on: 

These are all pen, ink & gesso on paper.  Some are inspired by old and strange photos I've dug up in local curio shops and the great big interweb, some are just images that come out of my hands when I'm not looking...

...this one was based on a Mexican bingo board...

...this one is based on an episode of the X-Files involving Agent Scully's long lost daughter who turns out to be a government experiment.  Long story...

...I found a photograph of my dad posed with a pantless mannequin, and it obviously needed to become a drawing (R).  I don't know where spooky winter guy came from (L)...

...I had a stockpile of scrap wood lying about, so I decided to start this "tile" project...

...Ultimately I intend to fit all the tiles together into one larger piece.  I'm also thinking that the I might do a large-scale version of the patterns I've been making (below), maybe 4'x6'.  It is very rare that I work large, and I'd like to give it a shot...

...More hands...I like hands, apparently...

So that's all for now.  More to come soon...


  1. Oh, my God, Brownie. These are amazingly beautiful! I am so impressed with the way you handle ink these days. It's astonishing. The loteria "hands" piece is hearthbreakingly beautiful.

  2. you know all I do is rip you off, right?
